

As the weather starts to thaw, I feel like I am crawling out of a deep dark cave where I've been hibernating. Granted, over the frigid winter I've spent time on various projects - Jeep upgrade (plus frozen creek adventures), BOEBot, Arduino, a bed for my thirddaughter, a quadcopter rebuild, and various foam airplanes. I've even spent some time on an R/C trainer to try and hone my skills. Still -- the darkness had me feeling unproductive and unmotivated.

Now it's time to wake up and get stuff done!

My recently completed FT-22.

Lately I've gotten into flying my quadcopter with FPV goggles from FatShark. Unfortunately for me, it's been like re-learning how to fly. Orientation, altitude -- all complicated until I can get used to flying by visual reference instead of looking at the quad itself.

I did have a chance over the weekend to do some indoor flying at a local gym. It really helped to tune my quad without interference from the wind.

Quadcopters and FPV gear.

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